Canada, Eh?! Yessir!
So, several of you probably already know that I have decided to take up an offer to move up to Calgary and help out with our new Canada office. All I can say is that I am very grateful for this opportunity! It is a great feeling to know that they actually listen to my wants and needs and try to make it to where it is beneficial for both me and the company.
It is currently a crazy time with a lot of changes unfolding. Although it has been a while, I am somewhat accustomed to this type of change. It is still hard, though. This is one of the longest, if not the longest, time I've been in one place. Through all my travels and experiences I have meet amazing people and experienced amazing cultures. As with Texas, I never thought I would end up in Canada, but the lure of the Rocky Mountains was too strong. Plus it is a grand opportunity for me to accelerate my professional growth.
But enough of that--this is an adventure racing blog! I'm so looking forward to the new outdoor adventures that are sure to come! I really hope my friends in Houston come up and explore these new-to-me regions. Plus, I'm going to be even closer to Glacier/Waterton, so no more excuses for yearly trips! That said, I hope to become a curling aficionado in no time.
I think the biggest transition is going to be trying to find a new workout crew, especially for Ironman Florida. I really hope this doesn't mean a lot of lonely miles on bike and foot, but it may become my new reality for a little bit at least. I know the Race the Rockies and Raid the North crews up there, so hopefully I can hook up with them and they band of merry adventurers.
I am still in a bit of shock because I had been talking about this potential move for over a year now, making it seem to be less realistic as time went on. But it IS happening and I might even get a bonus, short stint in St. Johns also to help out with a project out there.
As someone recently reminded me of my own favorite saying: "Change is Inevitable, Growth is Optional." Here's to a new growth chapter in the adventures of K-SPoT!
Business cards from Zazzle
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