On to the Next One
So the new year started with a fizzle for me. Not saying that it was bad, but in racing-terms it was DOA. Work had unexpectedly ramped up and I totally buckled down for the upcoming PE-Structural I exam. So in a nutshell, the only active stuff I'm currently able to do is swim during lunch (that has improved--swimming 1 mile straight each session) and occasionally get a quick training ride with the CVX crew on weekends (even if the cold and wind try to conspire against us).
Boo hoo. Okay, I guess since my life is boring I should talk about other people for a change. Before that, lets cry for me some more--I didnt get picked in the Leadville 100 lottery...could be that everyone else also saw "Race Across the Sky!" But good news is that a few friends of ours did: The Cajun, Iron Will, and Cyn. That will be an awesome experience! Iron Will already got his buckle, so he's just there to show off now.
Since the last time I blogged, I have done some fun stuff. West End occasionally does a "Crappy Road Ride" and it is as it sounds. Raymund and I decided to go and do the 01-01-10 edition the day after New Years. Amazingly, a good number showed...and some on road bikes?!? Apparently they didnt see the photos. Anyway, we roll out bright and early, not before I have to ride all the way back home because I forgot my HELMET!! Wow, was I ridin dirteh or what.
It was a really good ride with a lot of ninja routes--I just wondered how he knew about all of those short cuts! Now, if I could only find a similar route to work I would do it everyday! We actually started off near my house, then on White Oak Bayou, Heights, Downtown, East Side, Downtown, Heights, and back to West End. Good times! I cant wait to do that ride again!
In AR news, apparently they keep on racing without me. Big Chill was a couple of weeks ago--this was the 2nd year in a row that I missed...after not missing it for 4 straight years! Dang work...jk, work is really good to have these days! It sounded like the weather was relatively warm for a change. Final standings were Vignette, iMOAT, HFAR, Steelsports, then two HART teams for the 24hr. Our shirtless friends, the Flying Monkeys won the 12hr male div (and overall), while two HART teams got 4th and 5th coed.
Warda was this past weekend, but I havent seen any race reports and I'm not about to bushwhack through that mess of results! One final note: the new HART website is up and running! Its still in its infancy, so bear with us as we fine tune it. But if you want to come out and train, it has all the info you need to meet up with us!
Okay, time to duck down back into work. Until next time, mash hard!